Friday, October 31, 2008

Cops and Robbers

Thursday was a long day. A very productive one, but still, long. Among the things on my to do list was find Backpack. As in THE Backpack that Dora the Explorer uses. I was really looking for any purple backpack but found nothing. Went to 3 stores and in 2 of them saw a Backpack toy. It opens, it includes a map, telescope and other things, PLUS it talks! How cool is that?

Dear Fisher-Price people:
I am a mom of a 2 year old who loves to play with anything that has buttons and sounds. And if the toy has to do with Dora, then it will surely be a success. Here's my question: WHY would you sell a toy, a Backpack to be precise, that does not have straps? Isn't the point of having a backpack to wear it? Hey, I could be wrong, but somehow I really doubt that's the case. This is pretty much like Christmas toys without batteries, Halloween without candies, New Year's without sex and a wedding without drinking.

So we went to 4 stores before finally deciding to buy the talking backpack that does not have straps. I really wasn't in the mood for cooking so we stopped at Wendy's for our meal. There was this kid, maybe 7 years, in the table behind us.

Why do robbers use knives?
Why do they stay at hotels?
How do they enter a house?
What if a cops sees him?

We just looked at each other without saying anything. First, where did he learn/saw this? And second, why didn't the father answer him anything? I'm not at that stage yet, but still, isn't part of our jobs as parents to supervise what our children see on TV, and to explain whatever questions our kids have regarding what they see or are told?

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