We arrive about 20 minutes late and it seemed we were the only ones in jeans! Somehow it didn't cross our minds that people dress a bit nicer for graduations. Maybe it was the fact that we went to see the Bodies Exhibition earlier that day. As the graduation continued I saw several guests in jeans also and was relieved. And that's when I saw it... the man who I think won the worst dressed, and no, he was not wearing jeans. Instead he wore a white suit and a red shirt. A very white suit and a very red shirt. It sort of reminded me of Miami Vice.

Back to the important things. My father was Magna Cum Laude, the Salutatorian and got the President's award. Needless to say I cried. It was so emotional to see my father graduate at 56. Not that he's old, but the fact that after 3 tries he found something that he was passionate about and finished in such and impressive way. And being old enough to understand this achievement is the icing on the cake. I was the first one in my family to graduate, but now my brother's and father also have a degree. I am so proud of my father. Oh, and the youngest of my brothers also graduated with him. Congrats to both of them. And now, some pics with the graduates.

Wow! I'm still impressed with everything that Dad accomplished. I mean, I've seen him study but you never really know what's going on. I always knew he was a brain. Now, Dad, Cesar, you and I have a degree. I hope I can add a masters to our list! Graulau's got game
Awww...congratulations. Nice moments.
Visiting from BPOTW.
I went back to school when I turned 55. Just to finish my last few hours. It was an amazing experience, especially having my father and my grand-baby there to witness the event (and all the other sweet relatives). Congrats to your dad!
That's a wonderful post! Congrats to Dad!
And thanks for linking with BPOTW!
That's sweet! What a great day for your family.
Thank you all for your comments. It really was a wonderful experience. I am so impressed and proud of not only my dad, but of all those that don't let age dictate what they can and cannot do. Kudos to you all!
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