Thursday, June 18, 2009

That Information Would Have Been Useful Yesterday

I love the movie "The Wedding Singer" with Adam Sandler. It is so funny, plus I love the 80's music... His girlfriend leaves him at the altar. Here's a bit of their conversation they had when she goes to see him after the wedding (source):

Robbie: [Linda shows up for the first time after failing to marry him] You're late.
Linda: [sighs] I'm sorry... I just couldn't do it.
Robbie: Well, if you need more time, I guess I could wait.
Linda: No... I don't need more time, Robbie. I don't ever want to marry you.
Robbie: [takes a deep breath, sighs] Gee, you know that information... really would've been more useful to me *yesterday.*

I started reading the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. Good stuff. Today I got to the 3rd chapter in which he talks about making people want to do stuff. You don't talk or ask about what we want. We talk about what they want/need. Making them feel it's a win-win situation. But mainly talking about them. For example, you might need a job. Instead of phrasing it like that, you make the company feel your experience will be great for them. Obvious, right?

It makes a lot of sense. Yeah... I just wish I could have read the chapter *yesterday* or at least earlier... before I sent 2 emails in which I could have written things differently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite quotes as well. This happens to me all the time at work.