Friday, June 12, 2009

Who's the boss? - Review

Last Tuesday we had dinner with JA's boss. We were meeting for the first time after almost a year of him working at this company. When JA came to pick us up I asked for the general info: name? hobbies? etc. His response was something like: she's tall, we have the same type of personality, she's into being green, she does yoga (a lot), she's pretty, she's single... For a moment I thought I was going on a blind date, which kinda was a blind date, only the purpose was not me finding my ideal mate. I was very upfront with him and told him that either she wasn't that pretty or that nice. Those were the rules. And he started with the whole don't get jealous speech.

We got to the restaurant and had to wait a bit since it was full. We started chatting, asked me about my experience with the camp we just worked, and all that. She's nice, really trying to know me a bit better. Overall it was a good experience: nice food, great company and I felt comfortable. When we left we were all in the elevator and that's when I realized she was tall. You could see maybe 3 inches more in her than in JA.

Wednesday I talked with a friend and told him about our evening. He quickly interrupted with the obvious question: so, was she pretty? And I'm like, well... not sure. She's not ugly. But not what I consider a hottie. She's kinda average. And that was that. Then last night we met with our friend again and JA decided to show him a picture. Trying to prove that I was wrong and not giving her enough props. Fuck... that's all I've gotta say. She looks pretty, sexy and I am feeling this awkward pain in the pit of my stomach that pretty much says: "I am so fucking jealous and pissed". So it turns out I was wrong... she is nice AND pretty. Damn it!

1 comment:

BPOTW said...

Don't you hate it when you're wrong! LOL Thanks for sharing!