I always wondered who teaches OB/GYN this phrase. Yeah, 'cause being checked by a total stranger in what is my most private area is totally relaxing. Add to that the instruments and the pain and who needs a day at the beach?
After 3 hours at the office they gave me a clean bill of health. Everything seems to be in order. I should return in 4 weeks with some lab reports and we'll talk AGAIN about all this TTC thing.
But rather than talk about that, here's what I am feeling right now. I am feeling vulnerable, exposed. I usually feel this way when I go to the gynecologist. It is such a private thing and sometimes it feels unfair. Unfair that this is mostly for my husband, after all what happens there affects him also... I got the Mirena on, and off and suffered the pain. When I got home all I wanted was to feel loved, understood. Eventually I decided I would take time to myself. Basically told JA that dinner was made and that I would return in a while. I walked in the mall, got my eye brows done, ate chocolate, and returned feeling better.
Gynecologist or not, I should definitely do that more often... the leaving for a while part, although probably eat less chocolate.
I hate those visits too... Next time, I'll follow your example and give myself a treat afterwards.
There you go... that way you'll have something to look forward to.
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