Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's one of those days

I admit I am easily affected by the weather. It's been raining a lot and I feel like doing nothing. Which is sad because last week I exercised 4 days, straight. And this week? Nada. Technically the week is just starting, it's only Tuesday, but I feel defeated. Defeated and frustrated at myself for not doing more. Or something, anything, except whine. I have DVD's, magazines, exercise ball, mat, and the internet. Obviously, no excuses. But tomorrow is a new day.

On a related topic, I joined a "Biggest Loser" challenge with some internet moms. I know I am not going to win because I don't have much weight to loose. I would like to loose maybe 8 lbs. I figured it would me good motivation, obviously it isn't. And since I am feeling funky, I decided to take it up a notch and joined the "bikini body/abs challenge". Why? Because I am crazy. Oh, and it doesn't stop there. I actually agreed to take a picture of my midsection... and post it... for the whole group to see. This better work because I am already embarrassed!

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