Monday, March 2, 2009

Manic Monday

I usually like Mondays, I find it refreshing to have a new week to work on. Maybe it's the fact that I don't need to wake up at a certain hour and get to an office by x time. This past weekend was busy. We did a bridal fest and that's two 9-hour days standing and meeting prospects. We get to meet all type of brides: there's the hyper type, the one who knows exactly what she wants, the one who wants to tell you everything she has and wants (always fun), and then there's the one who is really dreaming but either has no fiancee or no clue whatsoever of what it is she wants.

Do you have a date set? No
Do you have the location? No
Have you thought about colors? What you like? What you don't? What you need? I really don't know...
We never know who will meet but it is definitely always an adventure. So back to the manic Monday... since I was out of the house for the past 3 days, it is falling apart. Apparently I had some guests that just cared about having a place to sleep and didn't care to pick up after them. Oh wait a minute, I did! It's my husband and daughter!

Here I am, another Monday, a new slate. Lots of quotes to make thanks to a very successful weekend. Lots of housework, thanks to a very successful weekend. And my sweetie left for a week long business trip, which has nothing to do with the very successful weekend. At least the house usually stays clean longer when JA is not home but now the hard part is actually tidying up.
More to come on the brides...

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